Trimming Trees for Your 安全

Trees add beauty to our communities and provide much needed shade, but they also create serious dangers when not properly maintained. All state utilities are required by law to clear brush and debris from primary electrical power lines to:

  • Prevent electrocution during a storm or accident

  • Reduce the risk of fire

  • Prevent unnecessary power outages

Our licensed contractors take great care to trim the trees in our community. A pre-inspection is always performed to identify overhead power lines, along with quality assurance auditing and inspection. We make sure the trees are pruned to retain their natural state.

For your safety, never attempt to trim trees near high-voltage lines yourself.

Our crews work year-round to keep poles clear of vegetation and create 10-foot firebreaks around poles with certain connectors. Although we prefer to conduct brush clearing, we know that some customers prefer to do the work themselves. We’ll work with you to ensure that your efforts meet regulations.

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